VKU Marketing Club (VKU MARC)

Name: VKU Marketing Club

Abbreviated name: VKU MARC

Slogan: Ignite your marketing passion


Contact Info:

Email: marc.vku@gmail.com

Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/vku.marketingclub

Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/vkumarc

Member of the Board of Directors
Chairman:  Lê Phước Thịnh – Lớp: 20GBA

Vice Chairman:

  • Lê Thị Hương Trang – Lớp: 20GBA
  • Trần Ngô Thị Diệu – Lớp: 20GBA


Le Tang Phu Quy
Hoang Phuong My Dung
Nguyen Duy Hieu

Function and misson:
– Date of establishment: February 17, 2023.

– Functions of VKU MARC Club: Organize activities to exchange Marketing knowledge and skills to create opportunities for practical experience and develop knowledge and skills in the field of Marketing and connect agencies/units. units and organizations related to Marketing activities in Vietnam.

– Mission of VKU MARC Club: Create an environment to help members and students of Vietnam-Korean University of Information and Communications Technology who have a passion for Marketing to better shape and understand Marketing. At the same time, it also creates opportunities for group members as well as students participating in the club to freely train, share knowledge, and practice Marketing skills in a dynamic and effective way.

Some outstanding activities:
1. VKU Campus Tour 2023 (March 18, 2023)

VKU MARC Club participated in opening a booth at the event. At the event, the VKU MARC booth in the area of ​​the Faculty of Digital Economics and E-commerce attracted the attention of students early on. The VKU MARC booth participated in the succulent business and organized a bingo game, creating an exciting, fun atmosphere and demonstrating the enthusiasm and dynamism of VKU students to high school students in the area. country.

Students participating in the event had the opportunity to interact with the university environment through activities to explore VKU’s campus and facilities; Participate in minigames and “hunt” for attractive gifts at booths; cultural exchange programs, flashmob, singing; Participate in experiencing traditional Korean culture, wearing traditional Hanbok costumes…

2. Exchange with DUE Marketer club (March 26, 2023)

The club successfully organized its first networking event. This is an organized activity to help you connect with students from other schools, expand relationships and learn new things from new friends. The exchange between the two clubs VKU MARC and DUE MARKETER was held at Vietnam – Korea University of Information and Communications Technology, with the desire to create new connections and learning, so at the same time created a meeting. exchange in the spirit of active students. The activity took place successfully with many exciting games and relay games, and at the end of the session, we spent time filming TVC as a team to help the two members of the club get to know and understand each other better.

3. CRM Workshop – Solutions to enhance customer value (March 30, 2023)

The Club coordinated with the Faculty and School to successfully organize the Workshop “CRM – Solutions to enhance customer value” to improve students’ knowledge as well as apply it to the Customer Relationship Management module, At the same time, it helps students increase their confidence to be ready to conquer future career opportunities.

Attending the workshop, on the business side, there was a guest speaker, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Vu – Head of Marketing Department for the Central region – Central Highlands of FPT Telecom Company. From the Faculty of Digital Economics and E-commerce, the event had the presence of Dr. Nguyen Thi Kieu Trang – deputy dean of the Faculty of Digital Economics and E-commerce, MSc. Nguyen Thi Khanh Ha.

The workshop took place with many questions asked from students to improve their knowledge as well as apply it to the Customer Relationship Management module. Through this workshop, we hope to help students gain more confidence and combine it with the solid foundation knowledge trained at school to be ready to conquer future career opportunities.

4. Book fair “Who is my Soulmate?” (May 19, 2023)

DUE Marketer Club in cooperation with VKU MARC organized the Book Fair “WHO IS MY SOULMATE?” at the Student Center, Vietnam – Korea University of Information and Communications Technology. This is the second project of the DUE Marketer Club’s 2023 PLUS campaign, with the purpose of creating a space to exchange and relax with interesting games and gifts – books to take home.

The event aims to develop goal number 4 “Quality education” in the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations, hoping to promote the importance of reading and encourage lifelong learning. each person.

5. Contest “Seoer VKU – Let’s fight together” (June 16, 2023)

The club coordinated with the Faculty to organize the contest “Seoer VKU – Let’s fight together” on June 16, 2023, which took place successfully with the active participation of students of Course K20 majoring in Digital Marketing. The contest “SEOer VKU – Let’s fight together” took place more successfully than expected with 11 participating teams.

6. Event to welcome new students of the Faculty of Digital Economics and E-commerce: Wellcome K23- The next gen (October 21, 2023)

The club has coordinated with the Startup Club (VSC) to organize the Wellcome K23- The next gen program with 2 parts including Teambuilding and the Eco Runway competition on October 21, 2023. The event took place successfully with the participation of more than 600 students from the Faculty of Digital Economics and E-Commerce along with teachers and Faculty leaders.

Through dramatic competition rounds, the program to welcome new K23 students of the Faculty of Digital Economics and E-commerce with the theme “The Next Gen” including team building program and DEC Eco Runway competition has ended. with the vibrant and enthusiastic participation of VKUers. With the goal of creating a dynamic environment, exciting experiences and opportunities to build closer relationships, the program succeeded far beyond expectations.

Team building with 17 participating teams competing through 4 games including Long air ball, yoga ball, 3-person pants and large puzzle pieces. This activity provides a space for relaxation and exchange, further cementing the spirit of solidarity between union branches.

Following the team building program in the afternoon, the DEC ECO Runway competition took place on the 3rd Floor of the student center with representatives from 14 teams creating a creative playground where unique ideas are showcased. The costumes are recycled from different, environmentally friendly materials.

The Eco Runway contest provides a platform for VKUers to express their confidence, creativity and use recycled materials to create unique, colorful and extremely meaningful costumes. Most of all, you have proven that fashion can combine beauty and social responsibility.


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