VKU: Having proposed solutions to develop the human resources to serve the semiconductor IC industry in Da Nang city

On the morning of October 10, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong Phap – Rector of the university attended the Workshop “Developing the human resources to serve the semiconductor IC industry, issues faced by Da Nang city” as a discourse presenter.

Overview of the workshop

Workshop “Developing the human resources to serve the semiconductor IC industry, issues faced by Da Nang city” was chaired and organized by the Ministry of Information and Communications, City Party Committee – People’s Committee of Da Nang City with the participation of Attendance of delegates who are representatives of the People’s Council, People’s Committee, Departments, business associations, Universities and Colleges in the city; consulting experts and businesses in the field of semiconductor IC.

As a presenter at the workshop, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong reported and shared about the urgent need for human resources to serve the semiconductor IC industry in the city, solutions to attract and nurture the resources through the perspective of the university – a unit that trains, nurtures, develops and provides human resources.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong Phap – VKU’s Rector presented at the workshop

According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong Phap, VKU is the only leading public university in the Central region specializing in training information technology, communications and digital economy. The university provides application-oriented training. The university’s students learn technological knowledge from the 1st year and the 2nd year along with enhancing foreign languages such as English, Japanese, and Korean. In addition, VKU also proactively invites experts to participate in the training process to improve students’ capacity in practicing soft skills, grasping knowledge of technology, and gaining practical access to enterprises’ projects. With advanced training programs and innovative methods, VKU gradually builds and nurtures a team of information technology to meet the needs of international integration. VKU is always ready to expand cooperation opportunities with all businesses in building training programs suitable to reality to minimize the gap between the University and enterprises in order to create the best job opportunities for students.

Through the discourse, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong Phap has proposed to Da Nang City a number of solutions in developing semiconductor IC human resources such as:

  1. The training and development of semiconductor IC human resources requires the participation of four parties: the State – Researchers – Universities and Enterprises.
  2. The city needs to advise the Government on macro-level policies such as preferential tuition policies and students’ loans.
  3. The city needs to develop the project to retain and attract human resources such as sponsoring tuition fees to the students who have household registration, supporting or providing accommodations to students residing out of Da Nang city but majoring in semiconductor IC at universities in Da Nang. Moreover, the city needs to develop policies to support universities, organizations and businesses to cooperate and to encourage overseas Vietnamese experts to work in Da Nang.
  4. Promote cooperation between universities and enterprises, including building internship areas and implementing business projects at the university with joint classes.
  5. Implement training programs in cooperation with enterprises, including training selected lecturers from universities in Da Nang and early implementation of acceleration programs for selected excellent final year or newly graduated students.

At the end of the workshop, The Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee – Nguyen Van Quang concluded a number of key issues that Da Nang city needs to do immediately and implement in the coming time, among which, assigning Polytechnic Universities and Vietnam – Korea University of Information and Communication Technology, The University of Da Nang, FPT University, and Duy Tan University to be the key universities in training human resources for the city. At the same time, propose to the Government, the Ministry of Education and Training, and the City People’s Council on macro-level support policies, adjusting the specific mechanism on enrollment quotas for the semiconductor IC field of the universities.

It is expected that on October 21, 2023, VKU will announce a specialized training program for semiconductor IC with a roadmap, a training policy and a plan to build an IC research and design Lab with the expected investment of about VND 10 billion from ODA project capital funded by the Korean Government through KOICA. In addition, a Workshop on Semiconductor IC Technology is also taking place with the topic “New trends in semiconductor IC technology” presented by experts from the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Korea. presented and discussed on developing human resources for designing and manufacturing semiconductor IC for Vietnam in current conditions with different perspectives from the relevant parties.

   With the potentials and directions in the coming time, VKU hopes and believes in the proper guidance made by the leaders of Da Nang city in developing the human resources to serve the semiconductor IC industry and to contribute to a strong innovation of the city’s economic growth model in particular and to the development of the human resources for prosperous and powerful Vietnam.

News in newspapers:

Báo điện tử Chính phủ: Đà Nẵng thúc đẩy phát triển nhân lực công nghiệp vi mạch bán dẫn (baochinhphu.vn)

Tạp chí Đông Nam Á: Đà Nẵng với cơ hội phát triển mới: Đào tạo nguồn nhân lực phục vụ ngành công nghiệp vi mạch bán dẫn – ASEAN News – Tạp Chí Đông Nam Á (tapchidongnama.vn)

Some pictures:


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