The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Vietnam, Choi Youngsam visited and worked on the plan to upgrade VKU to a leading and an internationally ranked university in Vietnam

On the morning of November 15, 2023, The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Vietnam Choi Youngsam and the delegation including Mr. Lee Byunghwa – National Director of KOICA Vietnam, along with the officials of the Embassy and the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Danang visited and worked at Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology (VKU), The University of Danang.

Rector – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong Phap and the university’s leaders were pleased to welcome The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Vietnam, Choi Youngsam and the delegation

Rector – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong Phap and the university’s leaders were pleased to welcome The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and the delegation.  Speaking at the meeting, the Rector respectfully thanked the Korean Embassy and KOICA Vietnam for always having been accompanying and supporting VKU during the past time, especially for the project “Enhancing Educational Capacity – training, administration and research of the Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology for the period 2022-2027 being worth 7.7 million USD from non-refundable ODA capital of the Korean Government through KOICA. VKU’s Rector shared: 2022 marked an important historical milestone commemorating the 30th anniversary of establishing the diplomatic relationship between Vietnam and Korea, a deep friendship. This is also an opportunity for VKU to express its significant gratitude to the people and the governments of Vietnam and Korea for investing and supporting the construction and development of the University. In particular, in Danang city – Central region, VKU emerged as a bright spot in the relationship between the two countries with the active cooperation and investment from ODA capital from the Korean Government in the field of education and training, which is shown through outstanding results such as: VKU’s admission benchmark is among the top in the Central region and the whole country with the scores range of 24-26 points above 30 points (average 8 points for each subject); developing and opening new training programs from 3 majors to 14 hot majors such as Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Semiconductor IC design with more than 6,000 students at present and is expected to increase to 8,000 – 10,000 students by 2030; Strengthen scientific research activities and cooperate with many strategic partners in the Southeast Asia;  connecting to many Korean businesses in training and recruitment activities; Celebrating many cultural exchange activities and volunteer programs between VKU students and students from universities in Korea in order to spread VKU’s academic reputation as well as its spirit of serving.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong Phap – VKU’s Rector spoke at the meeting

With the determination to become a prestigious academic institution, providing high-quality human resources for the society as well as for domestic and Korean businesses, VKU needs the support from the Korean Embassy in Vietnam and KOICA Vietnam via the goals of VKU’s projects in the coming time such as:

+ Support VKU in finding projects to improve infrastructure, to build new and modern lecture halls, etc meeting the growing number of students expected to reach 10,000 students by 2025-2026, which upgrades VKU to a leading academic institution meeting international standards in Vietnam; Build the Vietnam – Korea cultural square, a miniature of Korea in VKU and a top chosen destination for Korean businesses and people when coming to Danang and Vietnam.

+ Open new majors related to Korean language such as Engineer/Bachelor of Information Technology taught by Korean, Bachelor of Tourism taught by Korean. Then, continue to improve knowledge for human resources working at Korean enterprises in the future.

+ Through the support of the Korean Embassy in Vietnam and KOICA Vietnam to appeal to leading Korean businesses for investment and coordination with VKU to build laboratories (LABs), train semiconductor IC design and order the application and research projects.

+ Issue scholarship policies to students, lecturers, and researchers studying at higher levels in Korea. Supply VKU with Korean volunteers and experts participating in training activities.

Ambassador Choi Youngsam – The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Vietnam recognized the ODA projects implemented at VKU as one of the typical projects, a model for the success of the cooperative relationship between Vietnam and Korea

At the meeting, Ambassador Choi Youngsam especially recognized the ODA projects implemented at VKU as one of the typical projects, a model for the success of the cooperative relationship between Vietnam and Korea. Thereby, the Ambassador highly appreciated the suggestions on VKU’s cooperation plan, and expressed his support and actively promoted the activities needed to be carried on in the coming time with the following contents:

  1. Complete the procedures for the project to expand the Bachelor/Engineering program taught by Korean. The Korean side will consider the possibility of supporting by sending experts and lecturers to Vietnam, etc. This action aims to develop VKU into a dream university for many generations of students, creating high – quality human resources for many organizations and businesses and bringing many job opportunities.
  2. Continue to promote the implementation of the ODA project being worth 7.7 million USD between the Government of Vietnam and Korea effectively.
  3. Consider establishing a Korean Language Center and deploying smart online classes teaching Korean language at VKU.
  4. Increase support and issue scholarships from Korean Government and businesses to VKU’s students and lecturers.
  5. Connect many Korean businesses to VKU, especially ICT businesses operating in the field of semiconductor IC.
  6. Deploy Korean Game Week at VKU on November 24-25, 2023 with the participation of many famous Korean Game Enterprises, sharing experiences in developing the game market in Vietnam and planning to become an annual game event held in Vietnam in particular and the Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region.
  7. In particular, the Embassy and KOICA Vietnam are impressed with the plan to develop the Vietnam – Korea cultural space at VKU and will include it in the coming activities.

Mr. Lee Byunghwa – National Director of KOICA in Vietnam spoke at the meeting

Sharing some of VKU’s proposals, Mr. Lee Byunghwa – National Director of KOICA in Vietnam said that he has been promoting the implementation of ODA projects with close coordination between VKU, PMC and the University of Kyung Hee. In Particular, we plan to teach the majors at VKU by Korean language, to connect with businesses to carry out online Korean language classes, and especially to work with Korean  agencies, organizations, and businesses to celebrate Korean Game Week at VKU on November 24-25, 2023.

Ambassador Choi Youngsam, National Director of KOICA in Vietnam and university’s leaders planted a memorial tree

On the occasion of his visit to VKU, Ambassador Choi Youngsam, National Director of KOICA in Vietnam and university’s leaders planted a memorial tree to mark a new development in the friendship and the relationship between the two countries, Vietnam and Korea. Hopefully, in the coming time, the Korean Embassy in Vietnam and KOICA Vietnam will always accompany and support the University to achieve the goals and continue to develop the relationship between the two countries towards the future based on the cooperation in recent years.

At the end of the visit, Ambassador Choi Youngsam thanked VKU for the warm and thoughtful welcome and expressed the readiness in accompanying VKU on its future development.

Some pictures:


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