Kick-off ODA project – developing VKU to become the leading university in Vietnam, successfully modeling Vietnam – Korea cooperation

On 19/12/2022, Vietnam – Korea University of Information and Communication Technology (VKU), the University of Da Nang in conjunction with the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) solemnly organized the Kick-off of the project to enhance education – training capacity, management and research in the period 2022 – 2027 worth USD 7.7 million from the non-refundable ODA fund of the Korea Government through KOICA.

Representatives of Vietnamese and Korean leaders kick-off the ODA project (Mrs. Le Thi Bich Thuan – Director of Department of Education and Training – 1st on the left; Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Nguyen Ngoc Vu – Commissioner, Director of the University of Da Nang – 2nd on the left; Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.  Huynh Cong Phap- VKU’ Rector – in the middle; Mrs. Yeom Ji Yeon – Vice consul of the Republic of Korea Consulate in Vietnam – 2nd on the right; Mr. Cho Han Deo-Director of KOICA in Vietnam – 1st on the right)

Attending the event, there was Mrs. Yeom Ji Yeon- Vice consul of the Republic of Korea Consulate in Vietnam; Mr. Cho Han Deo-Director of KOICA in Vietnam; Mr. Kwak Jae Sung – PMC Project Management Consultant Director; Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Nguyen Ngoc Vu – Commissioner, Director of the University of Da Nang; Mrs. Le Thi Bich Thuan – Director of the Department of Education and Training; Mr. Le Duc Vien – Director of the Department of Science and Technology Da Nang City; Assoc. Prof. Ph.D.  Huynh Cong Phap- VKU’ Rector; Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Nguyen Thanh Binh – Chairman of VKU University Council; Dr. Tran The Son – VKU’ Vice Rector; Representatives of the University of Da Nang’ office and functional departments leaders; Korea enterprises and ICT Viet Nam enterprises; with University’ staff, lecturers, students.

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Huynh Cong Phap- VKU’ Rector;VKU soon become a LEADING UNIVERSITY in Vietnam, A SUCCESSFUL MODEL of the cooperative relationship between the two countries, A BRIDGE of strong friendship between the two nationals and a CENTER OF CULTURAL and ACADEMIC EXCHANGE Vietnam – Korea.

Speaking at the kick-off project, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Huynh Cong Phap – Rector of the University expressed his happiness and appreciation to the Government and People of Korea for their interest and support in ODA projects in the past. Thereby, the commitment to work closely with units and the project implementing unit is Kyung Hee University to effectively implement and achieve project’ objectives, while expressing the desire to build and develop VKU to become a successful model and a pride of friendly cooperation relationship, which is the prominent Vietnam – South Korea Cultural Exchange Center in the Central – Central Highlands.

Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Nguyen Ngoc Vu – Director of the University of Da Nang: By 2027, VKU University will become the high quality and prestigious training, scientific research and technology transfer institution in the field of information and communication technology; it will become an open connection center to support entrepreneurship, academic – cultural exchange and other friendly activities between Vietnam and Korea.

On behalf of the University of Da Nang, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Nguyen Ngoc Vu – Director of the University of Da Nang congratulated all VKU members on receiving additional resources from the Government of Korea and reliable partners to create an important premise for the strong development of the University in the new period. The kick-off of the project emerged as a bright spot in the Vietnam-Korea friendly relationship, which became more meaningful on the occasion of the 30th anniversary establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The Director highly appreciated the project not only important for the development of VKU, making the University become as one of Vietnam’s leading universities of specialized training in information and communication technology, providing high quality human resources for the Central-Central Highlands region and the whole country, but also the positive significance for the University of Da Nang in the process of striving to become a National University in the spirit of Resolution No. 26-NQ/TW of the Politburo.

  Marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Vietnam this year. The project was implemented in a meaningful time which is expected to have a consolidated role, in further expanding the relationship between the two countries, which has been much maintained over the past 30 years. In particular, enhancing the relationship between the two countries at the highest level of comprehensive strategic partnership, through this project, I hope to contribute to promote sustainable connection between students, between University and more broadly between enterprises in the two countries of Vietnam – South Korea on the basis of increasing research and training capacity in information and communication technology. Mr. Cho Han Deog, Director of KOICA in Vietnam shared a speech.

Mr. Han Deog Cho – National Director of KOICA Vietnam Office: KOICA will implement the project with the spirit of supporting Vietnam- Korea University of Information and Communication Technology, the University of Da Nang, to become a leading university in education, training high quality human resources in information and communication technology, as well as in research on information and communication technology in Vietnam.

VKU was established on January 3, 2020 on the basis of consolidating constituent units with a history of nearly 20 years. During the process of formation and development, besides the great investment of the Government of Vietnam, the direct attention and support of Ministry of Education and Training, Ministry of information and communications and the University of Da Nang, VKU is honored to receive the investment and support of the People, the Government of Korea, especially KOICA through ODA projects, specifically: Phase 1 (2006-2012) with $10 million, Phase 2 (2012-2016) with $6.2 million. The above two ODA projects have contributed greatly and being an important condition for the establishment and development of VKU today to become a leading university in the Central – Central Highlands and the whole country in terms of training, research information technology, communication and digital economy, especially in terms of enrollment attraction, training quality, staff – lecturers, infrastructure, international cooperation and enterprises.

 After establishment of VKU, on August 24, 2020, VKU started to develop ideas, write and submit project proposals. After nearly 3 years of pursuing the progress of the project, through many ministries in the country and KOICA and underwent 2 FS feasibility assessment (January 2021) and in-depth assessment (January 2022). On 18/10/2022, the Ministry of Education and Training approved the project document in Decision No. 3081/QD-BGDDT and signed the Record of Discussion (RoD) on 25/10/2022 for the ODA project implemented in the period 2022-2027.

The project has an especially important strategic objective for VKU to become a leading university in Vietnam and world class in terms of management, training, scientific research, innovation, international cooperation and entrepreneurship. With important specific objectives of the project including:

  1. To build VKU to be the first digital university in the Central region with all pillars: (1) Digital infrastructure with modern and intelligent network infrastructure, server systems, equipment, systems, machines; (2) Digital Management system with full functions of administration, management and support for fast, accurate and efficient decision making; (3) Digital service system with full functions of management, exploitation, operational support, interaction on the digital environment for related parties (students, lecturers, enterprises,…); and (4) Digital community with full data and digital identifiers.
  2. To train and develop teaching staff with highly level and professional skills and research capacity according to international standards; To foster professional administrative staff, fully equipped with digital skills, foreign languages; To enhance management capacity and advanced administration for VKU leaders and managers.
  3. To enhance and accredit the quality of training, to develop a new groundbreaking program, leading society and the global labor market.
  4. Promote innovation, research, entrepreneurship, enterprise connections, exchange cultural and academic knowledge with the world and Korea. In particular, the construction of the innovation and research center was opened this afternoon to prepare the infrastructure for the equipment of Studios, Smart classrooms, Marker space,…in the framework of the project.

 With all the goals and results of the project, VKU hopes to soon become a leading and international level university in Vietnam, making an important contribution to the development of education in Vietnam, as well as providing high quality human resources for the global market.

 Information link in the newspaper:

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