VKU: Summer Volunteer Campaign “Green Summer 2024” – A Journey of Volunteerism for Community Life, Deeply Reflecting the Educational Philosophy of Humanity – Dedication – Liberation

Following the Youth Union’s work program and the youth movement for the academic year 2023-2024, from July 1st to July 12th, 2024, the Youth Union of Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology (VKU), the University of Da Nang, launched the Summer Volunteer Campaign 2024 in Hoa Quy Ward and Hoa Nhon Commune, Da Nang City. This annual activity carries profound humanitarian significance, aiming to support the community and foster the spirit, ethics, and skills of VKU students.

Dr. Huynh Ngoc Tho – Vice Rector speaking at the Campaign Closing Ceremony

Representing the Campaign Steering Committee, Dr. Huynh Ngoc Tho – Vice Rector of VKU, acknowledged, commended, and highly appreciated the pioneering and voluntary spirit of VKU’s youth with meaningful programs and activities that accurately reflect the values and spirit of VKU’s educational philosophy: “Humanity – Dedication – Liberation”. He expressed hope that the activities conducted during the summer volunteer campaign of 2024 will help VKU students gain practical experiences from theory to practice, accumulate real-world experience, and leave many lasting impressions and beautiful memories in the hearts of each volunteer and the people of Hoa Nhon Commune.

The Summer Volunteer Campaign 2024 has attracted over 500 VKU’s youth union members, focusing on two main programs: On-Site Volunteering and Together for the Community. With thorough preparation of equipment, facilities and necessary skill training, the campaign aims to ensure high success and efficiency.

More than 400 volunteers participated in the Program of On-Site Volunteering 

More than 400 enthusiastic volunteers participated in the Program of On-Site Volunteering held at VKU on July 1-2, 2024. The activities included cleaning roads and university grounds, clearing bushes, weeding, and planting more trees on campus. Each volunteer played a part, all sharing the common goal of making VKU “Green – Clean – Beautiful”, spreading positive values with the spirit of “Humanity – Dedication – Liberation”.

Program of Together for the Community at Hoa Nhon Commune

From July 3-12, 2024, over 50 dedicated volunteers engaged in the Program of Together for the Community at Hoa Nhon Commune, Hoa Vang, Da Nang. With the enthusiastic and voluntary spirit of VKU youth, they carried out a variety of specific activities:

  • Cleaning and Maintenance: The volunteers cleaned, mowed grass, lit candles, and offered incense to pay tribute to the heroic martyrs who made great contributions to the country’s defense at Hoa Quy Ward Cemetery and Hoa Nhon Commune Martyrs’ Cemetery.
  • Summer Tutoring Classes: They organized summer tutoring classes for over 200 primary and secondary school students in the area. These were divided into 8 reviewing classes, 4 English classes, and 3 IT classes, helping to reinforce the students’ knowledge and support their studies.
  • Digital Transformation Training: The volunteers provided training on digital transformation, guiding the community on how to use office tools, social media, project management software, and other IT applications. This training aimed to innovate the content, methods, and forms of organizing youth activities and improve the monitoring, evaluation, and reward processes in local youth work.
  • Entrepreneurship and Marketing Training: The program included workshops on entrepreneurship knowledge and skills, marketing, and inspiring the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation among 150 youth union members in all communes of Hoa Vang district.
  • Traffic Safety and Driving Skills Training: In collaboration with Head Honda Tien Thu – Tuong Phat, they organized training sessions on traffic safety and safe driving skills to educate young people about road safety. The training aimed to enhance knowledge and awareness of road traffic laws, reduce violations and traffic accidents, and equip youth with effective driving skills and the ability to handle unexpected incidents, helping them understand their role and responsibility when participating in traffic.
  • Cultural and Sports Exchange: The program also included cultural and sports activities through the “Dynamic Summer – Connecting and Reaching High” teambuilding event with over 150 youth union members from Hoa Nhon Commune. There was also a cultural festival themed “Radiant Youth” featuring more than 20 exciting performances and male and female football matches, creating a healthy sports playground to help volunteers improve their physical fitness and health to complete the green summer campaign successfully.
  • Gift Sharing: Volunteers shared and gave 30 gifts to 30 diligent students in difficult circumstances in Hoa Nhon Commune. Although the gifts were small, they carried the heartfelt affection and concern of the university students for the beloved pupils.

Recorded at the summer classes, Nguyen Duc Nhan, a student going into 8th grade from Duong Lam 2 village, Hoa Phong commune, shared: “I feel very happy participating in the summer class, so I haven’t missed a single day. I want to stay connected with the class and the tutors”.

Nguyen Huu Do, a student going into 6th grade from Thach Nham Dong village, Hoa Nhon commune, smiled and said, “Our class is very fun. The tutors help me remember the knowledge I had forgotten. They teach in a way that’s easy to understand, and if there’s something difficult, they explain it clearly to me.”

Nguyen Van Khanh, a student from class 20DA majoring in Digital Art Design, shared: “Participating in the Green Summer Campaign 2024, I was assigned to teach local children. Although there were certain difficulties since I don’t have high expertise in pedagogy, after researching and receiving thorough training, my class achieved unexpected results. The children are very lovely, well-behaved, and intelligent, making the teaching process smooth.”

Participating in knowledge-sharing and training sessions on entrepreneurship for youth union members, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Tram, a student from class 20GBA (Faculty of Digital Economy and E-commerce), happily shared that from the knowledge gained at VKU, she had the opportunity to exchange ideas with union members here about the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation in building and promoting OCOP products and local tourism. She felt very happy to share what she had learned and to see herself contributing to the community and society.

Tran Thi Kim Nhu from class 21EL read the oath

In the Volunteer Summer Campaign 2024, a special event unfolded: Tran Thi Kim Nhu from Class 21EL (Faculty of Digital Economy and E-commerce), an outstanding union member and a proactive student in academics and scientific research, with the enthusiastic spirit of youth in all union activities, tirelessly strived in study and training, achieving the honor of joining the ranks of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The admission ceremony during the Green Summer Campaign signifies a significant event, affirming the crucial role of youth union members in the nation’s construction and development efforts. This serves as a strong motivation for the young generation at VKU to continue striving and training to live up to the trust placed in them by the Party, organizations, and the people.

The Volunteer Summer Campaign “Green Summer 2024” was brilliantly successful, yielding numerous positive outcomes for the local community and fostering strong bonds of unity between VKU student volunteers and local residents. For the youth union members, this campaign provided an opportunity to hone skills, mature in life, and gain a deeper understanding of the value of dedication. The valuable experiences from this campaign will serve as a solid foundation for their future endeavors. Although the journey has concluded, the values imparted will continue to resonate and leave a profound mark in the hearts of every volunteer. This is a source of pride and motivation for the young generations of VKU to continue meaningful volunteer journeys in the years to come.

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Some pictures:


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