On January 10, 2023, the delegation of the Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology (VKU), led by Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Huynh Cong Phap, Rector, visited and worked with the Korean Embassy in Viet Nam (Korean Embassy) and the Korea International Cooperation Agency Viet Nam (KOICA Vietnam). Along with the delegation, there was Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Nguyen Thanh Binh, University Council Chairman, Dr. Tran The Son – Vice Rector and Dr. Nguyen Quang Vu, Head of Department of Science, Technology and Cooperation.

VKU delegation visited and worked at the Korean Embassy

 At the Korean Embassy, Mrs. Oh Young Ju, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea in Vietnam, chaired the VKU delegation, along with Mr. Yang Ki Sung, Science Attaché and Mrs. Yoo Su Yeon, Deputy Director of KOICA Viet Nam.

The VKU delegation was hosted at KOICA VietNam by Mr. Cho Han Deog, Director and Mrs. Yoo Su Yeon, Deputy Director.

Opening working sessions, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Huynh Cong Phap on behalf of VKU leaders, officials, lecturers and students sincerely thank the Korean Embassy in VietNam and KOICA VietNam for accompanying and supporting VKU during the past time. Especially with the project “Enhance education – training capacity, management and research of the Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology in the period of 2022-2027” worth USD 7.7 million from the non-refundable ODA of the Korean Government through KOICA. On December 19, 2022, with the support and funding of KOICA (referred to as the Korean ODA project), VKU successfully celebrated the 30th commemoration of establishing Viet Nam – Korea diplomatic relations  and the kick-off of the Korean ODA project.

The VKU Rector also shared VKU’ typical achievements in 2022 with the Korean Embassy in Viet Nam and KOICA Viet Nam. Featured are:

+ Enrolment in 2022, in the top universities with high benchmarks of the country and the highest benchmarks in the Central – Central Highlands (transcript score of 24-25), attracting more than 20,000 applications with 1,500 enrolled students, increasing the total University student size nearly 5,500 students. In particular, the percentage of students with right jobs is nearly 95% after 06 months, with high salaries and working for many large and prestigious enterprises. In addition, VKU students have won many international and national prizes.

+ The number of published articles in national and world scientific journals for the annual ISI/Scopus index increases significantly. VKUs teaching staff in the fields of IT, communication and digital economy are highl level and the most powerful in the Central – Central Highlands and the whole country. In addition, VKU has also hosted and organized many large activities, academic playgrounds for students, pupils across the country such as the Central – Central Highlands Informatics Olympic Games; the World Office Informatics Competition; the Young Informatics Competition and the Science, Creativity Festival; the World Super Programming Young Vietnamese VNOI, etc.

These respectful results, which have demonstrated the desire to rise, constantly pursue the educational philosophy of Humanity – Service – Liberalization and core value system of Quality – Prestige – Professionalism of all leaders, staff, lecturers and students of the University. Thereby, contribute to the VKU development as a model of friendship between Vietnam and Korea.

On the other hand, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Huynh Cong Phap also shared more about the orientation, main goals in 2023 and these expected plans on upcoming years:

+ VKU expects the Korean Embassy in Viet Nam and KOICA Viet Nam to support and assist VKU to seek projects to complete infrastructure, build new and modern lecture halls…to meet the increasing number of students, expected to 10,000 students in 2025-2026, in order to develop VKU into a leading university in Viet Nam and obtain international standards.

+ Design and build Vietnam-Korea cultural square, which is a miniature Korean image in VKU and a leading destination for Korean businesses and people when coming to Da Nang and Vietnam.

+ VKU will open new training majors related to Korean language such as Engineer/Bachelor Information Technology, Bachelor Tourism – Korean languages.

+ VKU wishes to go through the Korean Embassy in Viet Nam and KOICA Viet Nam to invite leading Korean enterprises to invest, support and coordinate with VKU to build laboratories (LABS) and in order to implement research and application projects.

On behalf of the Korean Embassy, Mrs. Oh Young Ju, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Korea in VietNam, highly appreciated VKU achievements in the past time as well as the outstanding development of the parties even though it has only been established 3 years. The Ambassador expressed her pleasure and pride to see that KOICA continues to accompany and support VKU to develop the University to achieve this current position. Up to now, VKU is the only university invested and developed by the two Governments of Vietnam and Korea. With the support of the two Governments, VKU has become a leading training institution in the field of Information Technology, Communications and Digital Economy. The Korean Embassy and KOICA will exchange more specifics to support VKU in the coming time. The Ambassador emphasized that VKU is one of the projects that KOICA and the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs have implemented in Viet Nam and the VKU role is very important for the development of Da Nang and Viet Nam. Currently, Korean businesses still lack a lot of human resources in Information Technology, Communication and Digital Economy, so the Korean Embassy will support, KOICA VietNam will accompany, to establish a connection channel between VKU and the business community, this is also an effective model to promote and develop cooperation between VKU and Korean businesses. Hoping that VKU excellent students will have more opportunities to be granted scholarships by the Korean Government for undergraduate and postgraduate studies as well as working in Korea. To do this, the Korean Embassy will actively influence the Korean Government, Universities and Enterprises to accompany and support VKU.

VKU delegation visited and worked at KOICA Vietnam

At the KOICA Vietnam meeting, Mr. Cho Han Deog, Director of Korea International Cooperation Agency KOICA Viet Nam congratulated VKU for successfully organizing events in time. Director of KOICA Vietnam noted that in the past year, KOICA Vietnam and VKU have worked together very effectively and successfully so that VKU can have a project “Enhance education – training capacity, management and research of the Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology in the period of 2022-2027”. On behalf of KOICA Vietnam, he wished and believed that VKU would achieve more success, creating a strong symbol for the friendship of the two countries. KOICA Vietnam will always have the responsibility to accompany, support and create the most favorable conditions for VKU to develop a quality, prestigious and international standard University.

Before the end of the working sessions, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Huynh Cong Phap would like to sincerely thank the Korean Embassy and KOICA Vietnam reception. VKU Rector emphasized that VKU is highly aware of the Universitys success as a model of cooperation and friendship between Vietnam and Korea, as well as appreciating the great love of the Korean people for Vietnam. Therefore, the University leadership, staff and lecturers are responsible and determined to develop VKU into a prestigious and quality university not only in Vietnam but also internationally. Assoc. Prof. Ph.D. Huynh Cong Phap also invited the Ambassador to arrange a time to visit and work at VKU. The Ambassador also agreed to visit, work and talk with VKU staff, lecturers and students in 2023.

 Some photos:


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