VKU strengthens international cooperation through student exchange programs and global workforce training strategy

On the morning of September 24, 2024, the University of Danang organized a conference on strengthening international student exchange programs, hosted by the Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology (VKU).

Conference Chairs

The conference was co-chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu – President of the University of Danang, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thanh Bac – Vice President of the University of Danang, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong Phap – Rector of VKU. This important conference aimed to promote international cooperation, creating opportunities for students to study and exchange experiences at partner universities worldwide.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Vu – President of the University of Danang giving opening remarks

Attending the conference were representatives of leadership from member universities, training institutions, relevant functional departments, and affiliated centers under the University of Danang.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong Phap – Rector of VKU presenting at the conference

In his presentation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huynh Cong Phap – Rector of VKU, discussed the topic “International Student Exchange in the Philosophy of Liberal Education and VKU’s Internationalization Strategy.” Guided by the educational philosophy of Humanity – Dedication – Liberation and VKU’s internationalization strategy, the university focuses on training well-rounded individuals and global human resources with innovative thinking and adaptability to societal changes. Accordingly, VKU implements training and teaching through experiential learning activities with methods such as “Learn by doing,” project-based learning, and enhancing the teaching and use of English materials.

Programs and policies to improve foreign language skills for students and faculty

VKU has gradually built a team of leaders and managers proficient in foreign languages by prioritizing the appointment of staff with language skills, providing financial support for staff to obtain foreign language certificates, and requiring language proficiency for recruitment. The university has implemented global bilingual programs in English-Vietnamese, Japanese-Vietnamese, and Korean-Vietnamese, as well as Top-up programs (2+2, 3+1) with multiple domestic and international partners. Many courses are taught using 100% English slides, and students are required to write and defend their graduation theses entirely in English.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, VKU launched numerous international student exchange programs, sending over 70 VKU students to countries such as the UK, South Korea, and Thailand for academic exchanges, projects, field trips, and cultural experiences. Notable cases include one student participating in a British Council project; two students gaining practical experience at businesses in Japan, sponsored by Nix Education and NesScat with 180 million VND in funding; 20 students going to South Korea, sponsored by Hanwha Life and CFK; six students interning in Thailand with a salary of 10,000 Baht per month; and 36 students participating in academic exchanges at KMUTNB, Thailand. Meanwhile, VKU has also received 58 international students from France, Thailand, and Laos for long-term studies and academic exchanges.

Additionally, VKU initiated and hosted the 1st ACIR+ Conference on Research and Innovation for students from Southeast Asian and international universities (AWRIS 2024), which aims to promote academic exchanges, innovation, and scientific research, attracting students from Thailand, Cambodia, France, and Vietnam. VKU also holds international student exchange programs (VKU-ISEP) with its global partners every six months to enhance teamwork, presentation skills, and cross-cultural exchanges.

Competitions organized by VKU with the goal of internationalization

To further internationalize its activities, VKU aims to establish at least 10 short-term and long-term training programs with international partners, with the goal of sending 200 VKU students abroad and welcoming 200 international students. VKU will continue expanding cooperation with various partners and seek support through international collaboration projects.

VKU is also developing multilingual global programs to expand opportunities for short-term international student exchanges (1-2 semesters) based on a reciprocal model. The university will continue to organize academic competitions such as the IT Olympics, Robocar Innovation, PISI Creativity and Startup Ideas, Web Design, AI Challenge, English Debate, Cybersecurity, and others, inviting international students to participate. VKU plans to diversify exchange programs (both in-person and online), support international students through a 1-1 model (where one VKU student serves as an ambassador for an international student), and boost international communication efforts to strengthen ties between VKU and its global partners.

Overview of the conference

With the results achieved and the goals set for international student exchanges, VKU will contribute significantly to the sustainable development of the global workforce, enhance the quality of education and training, and affirm its pioneering role in international integration. Through these efforts, VKU will continue building an internationalized learning environment, equipping students with the skills necessary to meet the demands of the global job market, and positively contributing to the development of the international community.

Center for Learning Resources and Communication


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